50 best Justin Herbert-inspired Fantasy Football team names to try out in 2023

Los Angeles Chargers' Justin Herbert is one of the most accurate quarterbacks in the NFL. The Oregon Tigers alum is the NFL's best-paid player, and for good reason. Herbert had a stellar 2022, earning his first Pro Bowl selection at the end of the season.

Los Angeles Chargers' Justin Herbert is one of the most accurate quarterbacks in the NFL. The Oregon Tigers alum is the NFL's best-paid player, and for good reason. Herbert had a stellar 2022, earning his first Pro Bowl selection at the end of the season.

Herbert has been a starter from day one, and he started 15 games in his rookie season with the Chargers. He broke numerous rookie records for the franchise, showing a glimpse of what was to come.

Herbert enjoyed by far his best season in 2022, putting up a stat line of 4,739 yards, 25 touchdowns and 10 interceptions in 17 games. He set single-season franchise records for pass attempts and completions. His performances helped lead the Chargers to the postseason for the first time in his tenure.

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Despite that, Justin Herbert was one of the more disappointing fantasy football QBs last season, and one of the main problems was that he rarely got big plays down the field. Whether he will up his fantasy football productivity in 2023 or post numbers similar to 2022 remains to be seen.

Famous players like Herbert typically have variations of their names used as fantasy name tags.

You're in the right place if you're looking for the perfect Justin Herbert-inspired fantasy football name.

Also read - 500+ funniest fantasy football names to try out in 2023

List of Justin Herbert Fantasy Football Team Names to use in 2023

Here's a list of Justin Herbert fantasy football names for 2023, artfully curated from "Bleacher Nation," "Sports Feel Good Stories," and Yours Truly.

  • Air Bear
  • Do You Really Want to Herb Me?
  • Herb Your Enthusiasm
  • Herbert & Ernie
  • Herbert Crabs
  • Herbert Garden
  • Herbert Hummingbirds
  • Herbert vs. Sorbet
  • Herbert’s Armada
  • Herbert’s Bolt Brigade
  • Herbert’s Chuckle Chargers
  • Herbert’s Comic Commandos
  • Herbert’s Dune
  • Herbert’s Fantasy Magicians
  • Herbert’s Hair Bears
  • Herbert’s Happy Feet
  • Herbert’s Heroics
  • Herbert’s High-Flyers
  • Herbert’s Hilarious Hookups
  • Herbert’s Hotshots
  • Herbert’s Pocket Rockets
  • Herbert’s Red Zone Renegades
  • Herbert’s Thunderbolts
  • Herbert’s Touchdown Tornadoes
  • Herbie the Love Bug
  • Herbie: Fully Loaded
  • Herman’s Herberts
  • His and Herbs
  • Is it Herbert or Herbet
  • Just in Time
  • Justin a Nutshell
  • Justin Case
  • Justin Do It!
  • Justin Time
  • Justinfication
  • Justinfied
  • Kick to the Herb
  • Lemon Herbert
  • Peaches and Herbs
  • Rainbow Herbert
  • Siskel and Herbert
  • Smokin’ Herb
  • The Blonde Bombers
  • The Electric Herberts
  • The Herbert Hammers
  • The Herbert Hurlers
  • The Herbert Hurricanes
  • The Scoop on Herbert
  • The Secret Recipe: Ten Herbs and Spices
  • This Just In
  • Also read: Inappropriate fantasy football names to try out in 2023

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