Five Hilarious Nicki Minaj Tumblr Pages You Should be Following

Nicki Minajs overly animated persona makes her perfect fodder for the social networking website, Tumblr. Since her rise to fame in 2007, Nicki has remained an outspoken presence in the hip-hop community.The 31 year old female rap star who is responsible for hits such as Super Bass and Starships often refers to herself as a

Nicki Minaj Green Hair

Nicki Minaj’s overly animated persona makes her perfect fodder for the social networking website, Tumblr.  Since her rise to fame in 2007, Nicki has remained an outspoken presence in the hip-hop community.The 31 year old female rap star who is responsible for hits such as “Super Bass” and “Starships” often refers to herself as a Barbie and typically performs wearing over-the-top costumes including colorful wigs and makeup.  Minaj’s outgoing personality has won over the hearts of millions of fans who have dedicated their time supporting her both online and in person.  Her “Barbies” or “Barbs” as she has affectionally nicknamed her die-hard fans, have even created several Tumblr pages in her honor, and whether they mean to be or not, some of them are pretty funny.  Here are five hilarious Nicki Minaj Tumblr pages you should be following.

5. Nicki Minaj [Official Fan’s Fanpage]

This “official” fan page has supposedly been verified “By Thee One & Only Young Money Mistress: Nicki Minaj.”  However, there is no sign that Nicki has actually done anything to endorse the page, and instead it is covered with pictures of “the mistress,” several of which are unflattering.

4. Nicki Minaj Confessions

This confessional Tumblr page allows users to send in their Nicki Minaj related “confessions.”  The page features a lot of hilarious and heartfelt posts including one from an anonymous fan who is convinced that “people just hate her [Minaj] because they can’t be her.”

3. All Nicki

According to the blog’s welcome section, the page “is dedication to the King Nicki Minaj.” The All Nicki Tumblr page features several subpages, including a section of the blog called “teams.”  This section lists various “team” names, presumably created by users, which include names such as “suckafrees” and “minajfeenz.”

2. Nicki Minaj Literary Devices

This page is dedicated entirely to finding literally devices in Nicki Minaj’s lyrics.  Each post dissects one (or more) of Nicki’s lines and explains the literally meaning and significance behind each.

1. Nicki Minaj’s Ducklings

This page refers to itself as “an open letter to Nicki Minaj.”  This page includes lots of funny posts including voice threads, tweets, and images – including one picture of Nicki dressed up as each Power Ranger, fully equip with matching wigs.

(Photo by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images)

