The Good Doctor Recap 04/09/24: Season 7 Episode 6 M.C.E.

Tonight on NBC their newmedical dramaThe Good Doctorairswith an all-new Tuesday, April 9, 2024, episode and we have you The Good Doctor recap below. In tonights The Good Doctor season 7 episode, 6 called, M.C.E.,as per the ABC synopsis,

The Good Doctor Recap 04/09/24: Season 7 Episode 6 "M.C.E."

Tonight on NBC their new medical drama “The Good Doctor” airs with an all-new Tuesday, April 9, 2024, episode and we have you The Good Doctor recap below. In tonight’s The Good Doctor season 7 episode, 6 called, “M.C.E.,” as per the ABC synopsis,

“The team must deal with a mass casualty event that forces them to put aside their emotions following a recent tragedy.”

So make sure to tune in between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our The Good Doctor recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, videos & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Good Doctor recap begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s The Good Doctor episode, Asher was killed. He was killed on the same night he was hoping to get engaged. He ran into some trouble with antisemites and he angered them by revealing he was both gay as well as Jewish. They unfortunately killed him for that.

Most of the hospital showed up for his funeral. He had a beautiful ceremony. They all talked about how much they loved him and Shaun hasn’t properly come to terms with his grief just yet. Shaun wasn’t dealing with it. He was telling himself he was fine.

His wife was worried about him. Aaron Glassman was worried about him. They were both so focused on Shaun that no one noticed that Audrey Lim skipped the funeral.

Audrey told her mother that she was coming down with a cold. Then they all got called into work because of a mass casualty event. Her cold suddenly cleared up because she was needed. There were waves of people coming in that needed help. They were down on surgeons because five of them went to a conference.

Audrey went to surgery with one. She left Shaun in charge. He split up the doctors to handle the tough situations. He placed Charlie on Black Tags. She was in charge of the dead. She thought he was punishing her for filing a complaint against her.

Shaun claimed he wasn’t punishing her. He said he was finding an upside to no longer having to work with her. Shaun assigned Dom the green tags. He was supposed to treat the patients in the waiting rooms. Which was just as daunting as treating the patients that needed surgery. There was one guy that had glass all in his face from the pileup. Also, Dr. Jordan Allen was struggling. She loved Asher. She was so mad at the men that killed him. She transferred that anger to the driver that caused the pileup.

Shaun told her to focus on him rather than the hero than pulled a little girl out of the way. He said that the hero was dying and it would be best to save the driver who still has a chance. Jordan refused to do anything more than the bare minimum for that man.

Others had to step in. Jared helped him instead. The whole hospital was also getting backed up for room because Charlie was taking forever with ruling people as dead. Shaun went in to see if he could speed her along when he spotted one man that was still alive. And he had to treat him.

Shaun had a moment. It was a short moment where he remembered Asher. It made him feel sad about returning to that OR and so he rushed through everything. He prioritized those that could be saved. There was one man who needed a six hour surgery to reattach a leg.

Shaun ordered an amputation because it was quicker and they could see more patients that way. He was all about speed. He slowed down long enough to save the life of a pregnant mother and to deliver her baby. And Audrey had the sad task of telling people that their loved ones were dead.

She kept losing patient after patient. It started to get to her after a while. She was depressed. She’s been depressed from before Asher’s murder and it was all coming to head now. She told off a patient who had cut to his arm. He demanded to be seen and she told him to look around.

People were dying. They were focusing on saving those that were dying. Shaun also butted heads with Charlie again. He was telling her to go fast and she had so many questions. Glassman had to intervene. He spoke up for Charlie. Shaun therefore felt he could handle Charlie for the rest of the day.

The hospital was so full that Glassman was later pulled away for surgery. They needed him in the OR. Shaun was so overwhelmed that he stopped responding to people and he covered his ears. Charlie saw him like that. She stopped the others for calling Audrey in.

She talked Shaun through his anxiety. He figured out how to stay in charge. He assigned people to certain sets. He went with Charlie to go see her patient that came back from the dead. They were doing that while Dom was left in an awkward situation.

Dom was supposed to be helping a guy suffering a panic attack. He took him to a private room to relax. Then he started bleeding out. He was heavily bleeding out and Dom couldn’t reach anyone for help. He tried to treat the patient on his own. He was found in a room of blood

. The patient had even lost consciousness. The other intern however rose to the occasion. She was the one that talked Shaun through an episode. He agreed to help her check on a patient. They finally got to a point in the working relationship when she finally does whatever he says. And there’s no animosity about it.

Later, once the hospital finally quieted down, the doctors could deal with their trauma. Audrey learned that her father had clinical depression and that he struggled with it throughout his entire adult life. She now gets why her mom was so worried about her. She now knows she needs to focus on her own health. And she did help the man with the injured arm.

Shaun also admitted he was wrong about Charlie. She can make for an adequate surgeon. Charlie then decided to take back her complaint against Shaun. Jordan also realized she was wrong about the man that caused the pileup. He was trying to kill himself.

He’s been suffering with mental health for years and nothing worked. He tried to kill himself. He failed and now he has to live with all the chaos he caused. And after a very long day, the doctors had a small get together and they mourned Asher as best they could.

They said their goodbyes to Asher.


