Where to find and defeat Nine Eyes in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 presents an expansive environment to discover and conquer, providing many opportunities for captivating gameplay. You'll find various features within the game that can engage you for hours. These include vast dungeons, side quests, thrilling events, and challenging boss fights.

Diablo 4 presents an expansive environment to discover and conquer, providing many opportunities for captivating gameplay. You'll find various features within the game that can engage you for hours. These include vast dungeons, side quests, thrilling events, and challenging boss fights.

As you traverse the immense world of Diablo 4, you'll come across rare bosses that offer tricky challenges, demanding exceptional abilities to overcome. While encountering them through random exploration is possible, knowing their specific spawn locations can significantly facilitate the task of hunting them down.

The rare bosses in Diablo 4 stand out primarily due to their distinctive appearances. While their look may seem peculiar, their potent abilities should not be underestimated. Nine Eyes is a giant Scorpion boss with superior skills such as swift movements, devastating attacks, and lethal poisons. This article emphasizes essential tips for finding this boss and outlines a strategy to overcome its challenges.

Where to find Nine Eyes in Diablo 4

Scorched Gulch area in the Kehjistan region (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

You can locate the Nine Eyes in the Scorched Gulch area in the Kehjistan region. When engaging in combat against the Nine Eyes, be aware that you'll encounter additional adversaries in this area. Among them are small Scorpions and Throat Slitters. Although the smaller enemies pose less threat, prioritizing their elimination would be advantageous.

How to beat Nine Eyes in Diablo 4

Nine Eyes is a boss infused with the power of poison, unleashing potent venomous assaults. In addition to its poisonous onslaught, this boss exhibits exceptional swiftness in its movements. It swiftly alters its positions while launching aggressive attacks, rendering it challenging to pinpoint its vulnerable areas accurately.

This Scorpion Boss utilizes its claws and stinger to strike, necessitating caution. In short, you must evade three types of maneuvers, poison attacks, claw strikes, and stinger assaults.

Small Scorpions and Throatslitters (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Before initiating any direct assaults on Nine Eyes, prioritize the elimination of the smaller adversaries present in the area. Begin by taking down the small Scorpions and Throatslitters, as they pose a threat with minor attacks, complicating your one-on-one encounter with Nine Eyes. Eliminating these little adversaries will also provide you with additional room to utilize when engaging in the battle against Nine Eyes.

Employ a strategy similar to his own (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

The most effective approach to eliminate Nine Eyes is to employ a strategy similar to his own, employing a blend of quick maneuverability and powerful assaults.

Create a systematic sequence in your attacks, executing aggressive strikes followed by a brief pause and evasive maneuvers. By persistently alternating between evading and launching attacks, you can defeat Nine Eyes.

How to get Broodmother's Stringer from Nine Eyes in Diablo 4

Broodmother's Stringer and other rewards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Upon victory over the boss, you will be rewarded with Broodmother's Stringer, 5 Demon's Heart, and 9 Gold. Broodmother's Stringer, a rare item, enhances your character's combat abilities and overall power.

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